I Learned IFR From Field, But I Also Learned So Much More

“Flying with Field was just an incredible experience. I went with him in the TTx from Oregon up to Alaska and back and we experienced the full gamut of weather. I am a much, much better pilot for it. It is incredible that in just the span of 4-5 days, I went from knowing almost nothing about instrument flying to being over half the way to my instrument rating. Yes, I learned IFR from Field, but I also learned so much more — so many little nuggets of wisdom — as Field is an overflowing wealth of aviation knowledge. Field is not only one of the highest hour and most experienced pilots in the world, but also a tremendous teacher. Most teachers are intimidated by the sheer volume of questions that I ask. Not Field. Field answered every single question I had, with grace, and I probably peppered him over 500 questions during the five days we were together. On our first day before we even took to the sky, I hit him with over 100 written questions I had prepared in advance. We sat for 7 hours, without interruption, in the FBO and went through every question. I can’t recommended a trip with Field enough. I am very glad I decided to take the plunge and do this training. It was phenomenal and has convinced me to buy my own TTx.” 

– Logan

3 thoughts on “I Learned IFR From Field, But I Also Learned So Much More”

  1. As a Field Morey IFR student some 20 years ago, I would like to get in touch with him.
    Can you provide any help?
    Thank You.
    Jack Urben


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